Well it has been awhile since I've written. The past few weeks have been much to write home about. I guess I will start with the biggest news that we receive every six weeks. Transfers… So, nothing too exciting is happening this coming transfer. I will be getting a new companion here in Price. His name is Elder Ayala and he is from Mexico but lived in Springville for a several months before he came on a mission. He has only been out for 3 months and from what I hear he doesn't speak much English. It should be interesting for him to only be an hour from his house. I'm not exactly enthusiastic about this coming transfer because I've knocked just about every single door that has a Hispanic family and we haven't had the best luck. On top of that our area is getting cut in half and all our families that were progressing are being given to another companionship.
On a brighter note we were able to go to the Manti Temple last week. Half the mission went to the St. George Temple and the Northern half went to Manti. It had been about ten months since I was last in Manti. It was a cool feeling to drive through the first area I ever served in. Take those feelings and multiply them by 100 and that is how great it was to be in the Temple. The trip was short lived and the drive was extremely long but it was worth it. There is no place on Earth more holy or exquisite that the Lord's university.
As far as quality of lessons went this past week, it was better. Elder Noriega and I are teaching really well together. We are much more able to convey the message of the Restoration and then allow the Holy Ghost to do the rest of the work. It is the lessons where we can almost read each other's minds that I love. I leave feeling that the choice to accept this message is now between them and God. I can stand content knowing I did my job to help my brothers and sisters. We still do not have anyone dying to jump into the baptismal font but I know I'm fulfilling my purpose.
I've been pretty sick since last Friday. I don't know if I have the flu or what but my whole body aches and it feels like someone rubbed my throat raw with sandpaper in the night. It is so bad even my hair hurts. I think I'm getting slightly better but there is no time to rest when you are a missionary. These past few days have been full of tribulation but I've been blessed for sticking it out. Just when I've felt I couldn't visit one more person is when we have had our most successful times and I know that is the Lord teaching us life lessons. What a shame and travesty it would have been if I would have foregone my mission and continued to study. I don't think any young man who has not served a mission can put into perspective or fathom the closeness to the Lord, the oneness with the spirit, or the personal growth one attains while serving a full-time mission for our Father in Heaven.
With General Conference coming up I decided to review my notes from the past General Conference, so that I might continue to remember the richness of the words that were spoken six months ago. I just love General Conference! To me it is the Mormon Super Bowl! I can't get enough of it. I remember when I was younger I just looked at it as a day we didn't have to go to church and that was why I loved it. Now I love it because it is my semiannual opportunity to hear the voice of the Lord through his servants, the Prophets.
God does binspire men and call them to his choly work in this age and generation, as well as in generations of old; Thereby showing that he is the asame God yesterday, today, and bforever. Surely the Lord God will do nothing, abut he brevealeth his csecret unto his servants the dprophets. The Lord has always done it one way and will continue to do so for the rest of time. I know that Thomas S. Monson is his Prophet, seer, and revelator today. God has called a Prophet to help us hear His words. As you listen to General Conference, listen to the words spoken not with your physical ears but with your spiritual ears. As you listen you will be able to hear the voice of the Lord in the teachings of President Monson this coming Saturday and Sunday. Vaya con Dios
Dios es amor,
Elder Bennion